Home News & Updates Photo Artillery Attack on P’Lu Community Middle School by SA...

Artillery Attack on P’Lu Community Middle School by SAC Military

October 18th, 2024  •  Category Photo  •  Author: KECD
Artillery Attack on P’Lu Community Middle School by SAC Military
On October 1, 2024, at approximately 1:30 PM, the SAC military launched artillery fire targeting P’Lu Community Middle School during active school hours, while students and teachers were inside classrooms. The first artillery round missed the school, but the second strike directly hit the building, causing extensive damage that rendered it completely unusable.
Local reports indicate that an SAC scout drone flew over the area prior to the attack, suggesting that the strike was intentional. This raises serious concerns about SAC’s deliberate targeting of educational institutions and their agenda to disrupt local community education.
As the Karen National Union (KNU) has emphasized through its Safe Schools Declaration, educational facilities are to remain free from military use and should never be military targets. Fortunately, in this instance, no students or teachers were injured.
This attack is a clear violation of the principles outlined in the Safe Schools Declaration and underscores the ongoing threats to education in conflict areas.
Photo : Local source