Home News & Updates Video The Karen Wrist Tying Ceremony

The Karen Wrist Tying Ceremony

October 1st, 2024  •  Category Video  •  Author: KECD
The Karen Wrist Tying Ceremony is an ancient tradition passed down for generations, a symbol of unity, protection, and the call for a peaceful spirit.
In the past, before religions like Buddhism and Christianity, Karen ancestors tied white threads on children’s wrists, believing it would keep their spirits close and protect them from harm.
The ceremony involves seven symbolic items: water for cleansing, rice balls for unity, sticky rice for sharpness, bananas for loyalty, flowers for resilience, and sugarcane for sweetness. This ceremony, led by an elderly couple, blesses the young, wishing them discipline, cultural preservation, and a life of harmony.
The Karen Wrist Tying Ceremony is not only a tradition, but a reminder that unity, respect, and forgiveness are what bind communities together.