Home News & Updates News Wind storm demolished school construction

Wind storm demolished school construction

June 15th, 2024  •  Category News  •  Author: KECD

On April 28/2024, Hpa-An District, Lu Pleh Township, Htee Moh Htee school Construction(#7028) was tore apart by a powerful wind storm. The school building, which had been constructed by the community many years ago, was unable to withstand the force of the storm due to its deteriorated condition.

The community reported that the building had become rotten over time, however due to the poverty within the community, they plan to fix the broken part of the existing construction and continue using the school building.

2023-2024 Academic Year, there are 57 schoolgirls and 65 schoolboys studying at the school. And

the condition of the building threatens the safety of the students, it’s might present a risk of harm.